
Monday, November 6, 2017

November Guest ❤️Sarah❤️

Hey everyone 👋🏼

My name is Sarah Deck. I’m a 26 year old mom of 2 living the dream in Jacksonville, FL and I’m passionate about health, loving people, emojis, family, and coffee (because, coffee LOL). 

I became a mom almost 3 years ago and I can honestly say that is when my life completely changed. 

Most of my teen and college age years I was lacking confidence in who God created me to be.

I felt lonely, constantly compared myself to others (us girls can be so silly), and believed the lies that says I wasn’t good enough. 

I would talk down to myself for not looking a certain way, punish myself for my eating habits and didn’t believe I could ever be successful. 

It was a terrible time for me because I constantly let those lies define who I was. 

I stopped living life believing I was a beautiful person who was created to do great things. 

I stopped doing things I loved.

I just let the lies own me.

And they owned me in every area of life. Friends, work, family, my marriage and parenthood. 

It kept me from being the woman God called me to be.

When my son was about to turn one, I knew I needed to make a change. I needed to work on changing this mindset that had held me back for so long. 

One day scrolling through Facebook I saw a friend post about how she lost thirty pounds. Then a few days later she’s telling Facebook that she’s paying for her groceries each week being a health coach from home.

At this point I’m saying “well I want to get paid at home AND look great.” 🙋🏻 

So I message her. And she tells me about this cool coaching thing she does and this amazing program and for the first time in such a long time I took a chance. 

I’ll be honest and say I didn’t think I would follow through. I thought I would only stick it out for a few days. 

Guys, I’m still doing it two years later!!! 

Because when I took this leap it wasn’t just to be a certain pant size or look a certain way. 

I wanted to stop believing the lies and be the woman I knew I was created to be. 

And every day I got stronger and stronger! The best part was that as I grew more and more as a person I started to notice I was in the best shape of my life. 

I gained confidence I never had, loved motherhood and as I grew more I was able to step into community and build amazing friendships. 

It wasn’t easy. There were tough days and there still are but every second is worth it. 

I know what your thinking. I’m too busy. I can’t make that change. That feels impossible. 

I know, I was there too.

But it came down to doing a few things every day that made the difference.

  1. ENJOY the process. This isn’t a quick fix. It takes work. But don’t forget that is the small victories that bring you to the big ones. So celebrate every little victory. 
  2. Uplift yourself everyday. Listen to a podcast, look at yourself in the mirror and instead of seeing the things you don’t like point out what you like about yourself, make a list of the qualities you love most about yourself and brag about them! You spend the most time each day with yourself so treat yourself the way you lovingly treat others! 💕
  3. Find accountability. Join a group, find a club, go to a mommy and me outing! Doing life with others who are like minded and uplifting changes everything. Where there’s accountability we focus on success rather than failure. It’s where our goals become a reality! If you need help finding accountability, don’t be afraid to reach out- my tribe and I have room for you ❤️ email me at skaysenesi@gmail if you want! 

So friend. Stop believing those lies. Know you deserve the BEST and go start succeeding. 

The best is yet to come!

Cheering you on,

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