Friday, September 15, 2017

Organic Popsicles

With summer coming to an end we have an excellent way to keep the summer alive! What’s better than an ice cold Popsicle on a hot summer day? Not many things. However, many of the popsicles that we buy at the grocery store are loaded with artificial sweeteners, coloring, and preservatives. Even the ones that claim to be made of 100% real fruit are comprised of mostly sugar. There’s no reason to buy these sugary treats when Popsicles are the easiest treat to make at home. Here’s what you’ll need:

·      A bag of frozen organic mixed berries(fresh works too!)
·      1 small banana
·      ½ cup of water
·      Popsicle sticks
·      Small paper cups

Blend the berries, water, and banana.

Pour into paper cups and place stick in center

Freeze for 2 hours

This batch came out a little tart for my taste because my berries weren’t the sweetest and the banana wasn’t that ripe. Next time I think I would add either a touch of organic raw honey or a riper banana. The fruit in this recipe could always be substituted with whatever is in season or your favorite. I do always recommend using organic fruit. Who needs those sugary icy treats when you can make these delicious ones right at home.


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