
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

How To Clean Up Your Diet

 We all love food. Heck, just thinking about food makes my heart melt. But we need to stop putting pointless food into our bodies and before we eat something, ask ourselves, "is this going to heal my body? Does this food serve a purpose or is it just a filler to make me think I am full for another 15 minutes"?
 Here are just a few easy steps that my family and I have taken 
to eliminate junk food (boxed or/and bagged:
 1.Avoid the center isles in the grocery as much as possible. Anything in a box or bag will most likely not contain anything nutritious for your body. The only exception is the organic isle that is in every store now. If you can't live with out your breakfast cereal try and find a decent alternative cereal instead.

 2.Snacks are  usually what gets us. A good trick is to keep things that are good for you easy to grab in a minute. Cut up cucumbers, carrots, celery, peppers, watermelon, strawberries... keep a bowl of grapes or blueberries in your fridge that way when you are feelin munchy you can grab a handful of pecans and blueberries or go for some celery dipped in peanut or almond butter.... there are tons of ideas and flavors that will not make you feel weighed down like that bag of chips or pretzels and nutella that will just make you feel greasy or sluggish.

3.Stay away from fried foods. My house hold loves french fries... even though the starch of the fry isn't the best thing for you I will bake them (key word *BAKE* not fry) with pink Himalayan salt and fresh ground pepper so at least we can indulge but not feel weighed down

4.A good change up from potato chips that were most likely fried in cotton seed oil
(yes cotton, what we wear on our bodies are apparently now going into our food)
 is baking some zucchini chips in some olive oil. Here is a super easy Zucchini Chip Recipe .
   There are also pre-made ones at the grocery store along with kale chips, sweet potato chips and many others.

 5. When you're heading out for work make sure you grab something for when that 3PM hunger strikes you. Fruit, Veg, those Zucchini Chips you just made... ANYTHING. You don't want to put yourself into that state of dire hunger that you just run to the vending machine for a candy bar. Two words: BE PREPARED.

 6.  Instead of eating ice cream or your late night snack, here is a great recipe for some Banana Sorbet 4 Ways. This is easy to prepare and keep in the fridge. I personally would rather almond milk than cows, but that's the fun part... you can personalize things to your own taste buds. Don't be afraid to experiment!

7.For morning coffee and pancakes try switching it out with sweet banana pancakes and your favorite smoothie with matcha green tea powder in it for energy. Here is a link to 2 ingredient banana pancakes . However, if you can't skip your morning coffee, than make it at home!This way you can use organic coffee beans and control how much milk and sugar you put into it.

8. Instead of white rice try brown or jasmine. Also, add quinoa in, it adds texture and flavor.

9.Don't feel like you need to conform... people may want to share their baked goods at work or school and while you should thank them, just explain that you are watching what you eat, they will understand and might possibly be inspired.

10.Share with friends and family how you are trying to eat cleaner. While you shouldn't push it on any one... some one might enjoying hearing about your journey and might possibly want to be apart of it. Some times its nice to have some one to lean on, encourage and to also bounce ideas off of.

Remember, you're the only one in charge of your body. So take charge. And most importantly don't put it off... procrastination is your enemy. Make a promise to your self to treat your body right, right now.

~ Rachel Underwood

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