Friday, September 29, 2017

Quinoa Burrito Bowls

If you're like me tacos are a very important food group and Chipotle is likely one of your favorite restaurants. I love Chipotle but I almost feel bad going to eat there when you can make your own healthy alternatives at home, so I give you my Quinoa Burrito Bowl. This meal is so versatile, it can be made meat and dairy free, thrown in a wrap for a burrito, or tossed on lettuce for a salad.


- 3/4 cup of quinoa; cooked
- 1/2 cup of black beans
- 2 Tbsp of taco seasoning
- 2 Tbsp of salsa
- 1 Tbsp of olive oil
- 1/4 cup of peppers and onions
- Taco toppings( I chose lettuce, jalapenos, cheese, tomatoes, avocado)
- Garnish with a squirt of lime and cilantro


1. Cook quinoa according to directions. Microwave black beans with taco seasoning. Combine the black beans and quinoa.

2. Add salsa and stir. Sauté peppers and onions over medium heat in olive oil until fragrant and cooked down about 3-5 min.

3. Top mixture with your favorite toppings and peppers and onions.

As you can see this recipe is super versatile. You can add any toppings of your choice. Feel free to add chicken, steak or ground beef instead of black beans or in addition to them. The quinoa adds extra protein to this meal making it super filling. Enjoy a Chipotle-like meal in the comfort of your own home!


Thursday, September 28, 2017

Strawberry Daiquiri | Thirsty Thursday

Thirsty Thursday

For today's drink we have created a (not so traditional) Strawberry Daiquiri. 
Grab a glass. Add the strawberries,lime, and simple syrup. Before adding the lime, feel free to roll it around, this loosens up the juice so when you go to cut it open it will be easier to squeeze into your mixture. Muddle together. Pour in the ice and over that drizzle the vodka. Grab a plastic cup and put it over the glass cup and shake. Strain your drink into a new chilled glass. To garnish I have a lime that I have rubbed around the glass so that when you take a sip you get the juice of the lime every time. 


Thirsty Thursday is meant for adults 21 and up. Please drink responsibly and stay hydrated! 


Monday, September 25, 2017

Our Top 10 Favorite Healthy Snacks

Hey guys! Today we have a special post because it's a collaboration post from the two of us. We will be sharing our favorite healthy snack ideas. Snacking can get the best of all of us, but we will be sharing 10 healthy snacks to keep you full without feeling bad:

1. Celery and 2 Tbsp of Peanut Butter

Celery is great to snack on because you burn more calories eating it than it has. As long as you're using a natural peanut butter you are all good. A good rule of thumb when picking a peanut butter is it should have 2 ingredients: peanuts and salt.

2. Apple and 2 Tbsp of Peanut Butter

Same rules apply for this one on the peanut butter! Apples are chalk full of antioxidants and fiber too.

3. Handful of Grapes and a Cheese Stick 

Cheese provides a source of protein while the grapes will satisfy any sweet midday cravings you're having.

4. Veggies and Hummus 

My favorite veggies to eat with hummus is carrots and cucumbers. Hummus will keep you full because it is full of protein. On top of that it comes in a variety of different flavors. The brand Sabra also sells perfect little to-go portioned cups for us busy ladies!

5. Organic Tortilla Chips with Salsa

I personally love the organic multigrain tortilla chips from the brand Food Should Taste Good. I love a good salsa. Have leftover tomatoes from the summer? Check out the homemade salsa recipe from Squishy Bananas here!

6. Yogurt dipped blueberries

This is a refreshing sweet treat that is good for you too and a total kid pleaser. 

7. Trail mix

Quick on the go snack. I love it with some dark chocolate chunks because I'm a sweet and salty kinda girl. Super easy to customize to different personalities though!

8. Cucumber bites

Easy. Healthy. Family pleaser. 

9. Almonds dipped in Dark chocolate 

A definite moms secret snack that she inhales before her kid says, "what's that?"  

10. Bruschetta

One everyone will love. You can get creative or stick to the basics and won't be able to go wrong. Black pepper, garlic and olive oil mixed with those tomatoes to top though mmmm mmm mmm. What? I'm Italian this is totally a normal snack 😉

Snacking doesn't have to mean throwing away all the healthy eating you've done. Let us know what your go-to healthy snack is!

- Giuliana & Rachel 

Friday, September 22, 2017

Salsa Recipe

Try out our new recipe for today. 

Freshly home made salsa so easy you can make it with one hand while you hold your toddler in the other (well, at least that's how I did it).

I started with a handful of red onion and a clove of garlic roughly chopped up and put into my mini chopper. Adding in 3 medium to small tomatoes from my mother's garden and topped it off with some cilantro and a smidgen of salt and pepper (to taste). With just a half of fresh squeezed lime you can then blend it. Careful not to over blend because it can become watery. This is going to be more of a chunky salsa but extremely tasty. If you enjoy a good kick of heat feel free to add in a teaspoon of jalapeño. 
I topped my taco salad with this juicy salsa and had some chips to dip on the side!

Soon I'll give you my top secret super delicious veggie taco salad recipe, so be on the look out for it!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Why Meat?

Why meat? 
I have always eaten meat. Steak, pork, chicken, turkey. Bacon in the morning chicken on a salad in the afternoon steak or burgers for dinner. That's a typical day for me ( steak is rare let's face it, I'm not rich enough to have steak every night haha). Recently though I've been feeling really guilty about turning a blind eye about what is happening in our food industry and how these farms and companies are treating the animals that we eat. From not letting them graze grass to pumping them full of antibiotic and how female cows are forced to get pregnant. 
 It isn't like I meant to turn a blind eye, I just was living my busy life and shopping on a budget. Well, recently every time I eat that meat from the store I felt guilty and I didn't know why. So I stopped eating meat just because I didn't feel like it any more. It had officially been weeks since I had eaten meat. After some self discovery I figured out what was going on in my heart, head and stomach. 
Although I am fine with eating meat I didn't like what was going on in the industries and how the animals were being treated, with no respect and appreciation. I also, found that without eating meat 1-3 times a day it gave my body a break from having to work so hard to process and digest this meat all day long every day.
Even though I wasn't eating meat I was still enjoying things like big green fresh salads, some tasty bruschetta, yummy fruits, spaghetti, smoothies, veggie taco salads with delicious black beans that were slowly cooked with roasted garlic and red onions *mouth watering*, sorry getting a bit carried away.  Not eating meat for one week saved me approximately $30. 
 I think that I will still eat meat but be more mindful about where it comes from, how it was treated and fed and also who I am supporting when I buy it. After those couple of weeks I paid for good quality happy chicken and enjoyed it on top of my big salad with my husband and son. I had a lesser quantity of meat but a higher quality. So in conclusion I found that:
1. My budget suffers less even though I still eat plenty of food. 
2. I am giving my body a good source of food instead of just cramming useless random antibiotic fed meats into myself. 
3. I am able to enjoy my food more knowing where it comes from and knowing that I am nourishing my family and myself. 

Hear is my bible references about this topic that I studied to find some guidance for the issues I was going through. 

Genesis 9:3 ESV 

Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

Romans 14:1-23 ESV

As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind...

If you would like to learn how to read meat labels click here:

If you are a vegan or vegetarian or are just trying to be more mindful of what you eat and where it comes from we would love to hear from you. Please let us know what you think of this article. 

- Rachel

Friday, September 15, 2017

Organic Popsicles

With summer coming to an end we have an excellent way to keep the summer alive! What’s better than an ice cold Popsicle on a hot summer day? Not many things. However, many of the popsicles that we buy at the grocery store are loaded with artificial sweeteners, coloring, and preservatives. Even the ones that claim to be made of 100% real fruit are comprised of mostly sugar. There’s no reason to buy these sugary treats when Popsicles are the easiest treat to make at home. Here’s what you’ll need:

·      A bag of frozen organic mixed berries(fresh works too!)
·      1 small banana
·      ½ cup of water
·      Popsicle sticks
·      Small paper cups

Blend the berries, water, and banana.

Pour into paper cups and place stick in center

Freeze for 2 hours

This batch came out a little tart for my taste because my berries weren’t the sweetest and the banana wasn’t that ripe. Next time I think I would add either a touch of organic raw honey or a riper banana. The fruit in this recipe could always be substituted with whatever is in season or your favorite. I do always recommend using organic fruit. Who needs those sugary icy treats when you can make these delicious ones right at home.


Monday, September 11, 2017

DIY Moisturizer

Just about all of us go to the store and pick up face moisturizers and body lotions and it's no big deal, right? Not really. Our skin is our largest organ just because you're not ingesting these creams doesn't mean they're not making their way into our bodies.

Above is just a glimpse of some of the ingredients that are in our favorite body lotions and moisturizers. Most of the ingredients are things we can't pronounce and have no idea what we are putting on our bodies. Some of the things these store bought lotions contain are Parabens, Fragrance, toluene, and more. Parabens have been associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Fragrance is a mixture of a bunch of chemicals used to produce the desired scent. Toluene is especially scary because it can be masked as a few different names. It can effect your respiratory system and can cause developmental issues for babies. 

All of these are extremely unsettling to me hence the reason I figured out how to make my own lotion!

What You'll Need:
- Organic Shea Butter
-Vitamin E Oil
-Jojoba oil
- Essential oils 

To avoid the moisturizer going bad I mix it as I need it. I take about a tablespoon of shea butter, I do equal parts jojoba and vitamin E oil until the shea butter has a creamier consistency (typically 2-3 drops of each.) I then add a drop or two of essential oils. I go for the happiness blend which smells like citrus. 

Not only is this moisturizer better because you know what's actually in it but because the ingredients have properties that are amazing for our skin. 

Shea Butter- Is responsible for moisturizing.

Vitamin E Oil- Protects against free radicals which is responsible for it's anti-aging properties. 

Jojoba Oil- Most accurately mimics the oil our skin naturally produces. While it is an oil it is also effective in curing oily skin. It moisturizes and protects against the elements. 

Since it is all natural, it is not the same as those store bought lotions. With this lotion less is definitely more, especially when you first start using it. It is a bit oily at first which is why I recommend starting with this lotion before bed, that way it has all night to absorb. The more often you use it the more your skin will get used to it and the less greasy it will be. Your skin will thank you! 

- Giuliana 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

How To Clean Up Your Diet

 We all love food. Heck, just thinking about food makes my heart melt. But we need to stop putting pointless food into our bodies and before we eat something, ask ourselves, "is this going to heal my body? Does this food serve a purpose or is it just a filler to make me think I am full for another 15 minutes"?
 Here are just a few easy steps that my family and I have taken 
to eliminate junk food (boxed or/and bagged:
 1.Avoid the center isles in the grocery as much as possible. Anything in a box or bag will most likely not contain anything nutritious for your body. The only exception is the organic isle that is in every store now. If you can't live with out your breakfast cereal try and find a decent alternative cereal instead.

 2.Snacks are  usually what gets us. A good trick is to keep things that are good for you easy to grab in a minute. Cut up cucumbers, carrots, celery, peppers, watermelon, strawberries... keep a bowl of grapes or blueberries in your fridge that way when you are feelin munchy you can grab a handful of pecans and blueberries or go for some celery dipped in peanut or almond butter.... there are tons of ideas and flavors that will not make you feel weighed down like that bag of chips or pretzels and nutella that will just make you feel greasy or sluggish.

3.Stay away from fried foods. My house hold loves french fries... even though the starch of the fry isn't the best thing for you I will bake them (key word *BAKE* not fry) with pink Himalayan salt and fresh ground pepper so at least we can indulge but not feel weighed down

4.A good change up from potato chips that were most likely fried in cotton seed oil
(yes cotton, what we wear on our bodies are apparently now going into our food)
 is baking some zucchini chips in some olive oil. Here is a super easy Zucchini Chip Recipe .
   There are also pre-made ones at the grocery store along with kale chips, sweet potato chips and many others.

 5. When you're heading out for work make sure you grab something for when that 3PM hunger strikes you. Fruit, Veg, those Zucchini Chips you just made... ANYTHING. You don't want to put yourself into that state of dire hunger that you just run to the vending machine for a candy bar. Two words: BE PREPARED.

 6.  Instead of eating ice cream or your late night snack, here is a great recipe for some Banana Sorbet 4 Ways. This is easy to prepare and keep in the fridge. I personally would rather almond milk than cows, but that's the fun part... you can personalize things to your own taste buds. Don't be afraid to experiment!

7.For morning coffee and pancakes try switching it out with sweet banana pancakes and your favorite smoothie with matcha green tea powder in it for energy. Here is a link to 2 ingredient banana pancakes . However, if you can't skip your morning coffee, than make it at home!This way you can use organic coffee beans and control how much milk and sugar you put into it.

8. Instead of white rice try brown or jasmine. Also, add quinoa in, it adds texture and flavor.

9.Don't feel like you need to conform... people may want to share their baked goods at work or school and while you should thank them, just explain that you are watching what you eat, they will understand and might possibly be inspired.

10.Share with friends and family how you are trying to eat cleaner. While you shouldn't push it on any one... some one might enjoying hearing about your journey and might possibly want to be apart of it. Some times its nice to have some one to lean on, encourage and to also bounce ideas off of.

Remember, you're the only one in charge of your body. So take charge. And most importantly don't put it off... procrastination is your enemy. Make a promise to your self to treat your body right, right now.

~ Rachel Underwood

Monday, September 4, 2017

About The Writers

 My name is Giuliana, co-writer of Squishy Bananas! I’m a 20-something lover of all things health and beauty. I’m a certified makeup artist and I’m currently attending cosmetology school. My life is currently a crazy whirlwind that I’m just trying to get through one day at a time. Family first and lucky to be in love with my best friend! I look forward to sharing with you my recipes and all my health and beauty tips and tricks xoxo

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 Hey, Rachel here, co-writer of squishy bananas! I am a Christian wife to a bmx/mountain biker and mother to a rambunctious one year old. Doing my best to live a healthy lifestyle to keep my high energy family fueled! I will always have a smile on my face, moisturizer in my purse and essential oils in my bag of tricks. I am always looking to grow my knowledge of healthy living day in and day out.